Immune Booster Smoothie

This smoothie will provide you with around 350 mg vitamin C to help your immune system thrive. Kiwis, strawberries and oranges are not only delicious, but they are all high in vitamin C. Adding USN Pure Glutamine will provide further support for your immune system.
  • 1 cup orange juice (About 125 mg vitamin C)
  • 2 kiwis (Around 140 mg vitamin C)
  • 1 cup whole strawberries (frozen) (About 85 mg vitamin C)
  • 1 tsp USN Pure Glutamine
  • 1-2 mint sprigs
  • 150 g plain yogurt
  1. Remove the mint leaves from the stem.
  2. Remove the skin of the kiwi (this can be done easily by scooping the fruit out of the skin).
  3. Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until every ingredient is fully incorporated.
  4. Use a few mint leaves as a garnish.